Last updated: 17 April 2024

Next review: 8 April 2025

National Offer Day is on 16 April 2024. This is the date applicants who applied by the closing date receive the results of their application.

Please remember to accept the school place offered through your online account.  If you made a paper application your letter will state how you can accept the school place offered.

Where we are unable to offer any of your preferred schools, we will allocate a place at the school nearest to your home which has an available space. If you are not happy with the alternative offer and would like to consider another school which may have available spaces, please refer to How places were offered for reception 2024.  This document shows how places were offered in each school on 16 April 2024, and which schools may still have vacancies. If you decide another school which is showing available places would better meet your child’s needs, please contact school admissions on the following email address, as soon as possible to request a change for your child’s alternative school offer.  Please note that we cannot guarantee a place at a particular school.

Your child’s name is automatically placed on the waiting list for any higher ranked Waltham Forest schools that we are unable to offer.

If you are not happy with the school offer received and would like to appeal for a place at your preferred school, you can find information on how to appeal the decision by visiting the school admission appeals page on our website.